I am a camera

photoblog by Daniel Kaspar

Der Struwwelpeter is a children’s book by Heinrich Hoffmann, a paediatrist from my hometown Frankfurt. I was surprised to see an old German edition in a London second hand bookshop. Der Struwwelpeter – Shockhead Peter – has been very popular in England since it was first published here in 1848. The band The Tiger Lillies recently produced a musical based on the book. For more information http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Struwwelpeter http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Struwwelpeter http://www.gutenberg.org/etext/12116 http://www.heinrich-hoffmann-museum.de/ http://www.fln.vcu.edu/struwwel/struwwel.html http://www.shockheadedpeter.com/

An interesting image. Nice job!

i never told you i saw a book about new antisemitism..probably in paris..i can't remember anything else but that Tigerlilies were mentioned because of that musical!i think it was not an example of antisemitism..

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