I am a camera

photoblog by Daniel Kaspar

Beannachtaí na Féile Pádraig oraibh!

I dont know what it is, but I will have one. This image makes my thirsty.

This is a pint of Guinness. I had a couple of these last Friday after my friend cooked us an excellent Irish stew for dinner.

I've seen lots of shots of Guinness (not a fan of the beer as I can't seem to stomach it!) and most shots are the average, showing the glass, with the name on the pint.

This is different. And I like it. What I really like is when I clicked on this photo, my first thought was “That's a Guinness.” Then I saw the comment and thankfully was right. :) Excellent photo!

mmmmm. lovely. ive still got a couple in the fridge – hard to believe isnt it! are we going to go and have some of these? doc

Cheers for your comments.

@P.J. The black and the creamy foam colour seems to help a lot with their brand recognition. Maybe you also recognised the blurred white letters in the background.

@doc Sure! asap!

Ahh, yes, it MUST be a Guinness — all those bubbles! Cheers/Prosit!

Ooops. Now that I've gotten here I realize the future post actually IS the G. and not cola. I'm ashamed of making such a mistake. My teeth feel clean again.

One word: Excellent.

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