I am a camera

photoblog by Daniel Kaspar

I visited Kloster Eberbach, a Cistercian monastery. No monks are living there anymore. Today it is a vineyard owned by the state and they produce world class Riesling. There is also a museum and a conference centre. In the eighties, The Name of the Rose was filmed here. My photo shows the monk’s dormitory. Find out more about Kloster Eberbach!

Ich finde den Blickwinkel den Du gewählt hast einfach klasse. Auch durch das Licht wirkt das Bild supergut!

Nicely framed and evocative shot. One can almost hear a bygone chant echoing through the vaulted space. The figure is a nice touch, and gives the space a sense of scale.

Wonderful composition and beautiful perspective.

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