I am a camera

photoblog by Daniel Kaspar

I went to see my friends Lesley and Steward today for dinner. We had an excellent barbecue. On a piece of grassland behind their garden, an investor wants to build houses. The residents have started a campaign to prevent this and I took pictures of the place to illustrate their remonstrative letter. At the moment the grassland is used as a feedlot for horses and it is home to a badger.

Wenn man bedenkt, daß diese Idylle zerstört würde, wäre es sehr schade… Hoffentlich wird es nicht soweit kommen.

thats lovely and very rural for you! the lines on the side of the horse's face are very strong and the little flowers look like snow. grat stuff

Beautiful place.
Houses no!! … Horses yes!!!

Im sure this will help their cause, it's lovely.

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