I am a camera

photoblog by Daniel Kaspar

I went to Kassel today to visit Documenta 12. Ai Weiwei is an artist from China. One of his projects was to bring 1001 Chinese to Kassel during the 100 days of the exhibition. He also collected 1001 chairs from the Qing-Dynasty (1644-1911) and placed them all over the exhibition. It is strange to sit on these chairs, because the sizes are unusual and they are more like thrones. This image shows his work “Template”, a twelve meter high tower, made from doors and windows of the Ming- and Qing-Dynasty. They come from houses, destroyed in the course of the current building boom in China. Shortly after the opening of Documenta, the installation was deconstructed by a strong wind and collapsed. Ai Weiwei said he likes it even better now. Here is an interview with the artist: video Ai Weiwei more links: Documenta 12 Info Documenta Ai Weiwei

How poetic! I bet I like it better now as well……like how the golden/yellow tones carry through the whole pic. Wonderful comp as well.

PS Does the sun ever shine there? ;-)

Some real fine images as of late Daniel

Thank you Charlie!

I liked the original tower. The story of the collapse fits well into the concept of the installation and makes the work even more interesting. I agree, it adds a poetic component.

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